jeżeli masz przy boku przyjaciela.
On nie musi nic więcej uczynić, jak tylko powiedzieć słowo,
albo też bez słów, podać ci rękę.
Przyjaciel w twoim życiu jest najlepsza pociechą w każdej potrzebie.
Przyjaciel to prawdziwa ludzka dobroć,
w której czujesz znak Bożej dobroci.
Są ludzie, którzy przekazują światło dalej.
Są ludzie, którzy wszystko przemieniają w zmierzch.
English version:
All bear, and all you can to deal with,
if you have a friend at his side.
He does not have anything more to do, as only say the word,
or without words, give you a hand.
A friend in your life is the best comfort in every need.
A friend is a real human goodness,
in which you feel a sign of God's goodness.
There are people who transmit light on.
There are people who put everything in the twilight.

if you have a friend at his side.
He does not have anything more to do, as only say the word,
or without words, give you a hand.
A friend in your life is the best comfort in every need.
A friend is a real human goodness,
in which you feel a sign of God's goodness.
There are people who transmit light on.
There are people who put everything in the twilight.

(Phil Bosmans - "Żyć każdym dniem").
2 komentarze:
Whoever recognizes that the kingdom of God on earth is already present among the meek, among the gentle, among the peacemakers, among those who have no anxieties about clothing, food, money, or the troubles of tomorrow, among those who care for all as brothers and sisters, that one will realize that the "counter-culture" was and is on to something fundamentally godly. The "be here now" hippy knows is that the kingdom of heaven is precisely in all those in-between moments, when the rest of the world is still waiting, looking for something that can be observed.
Dirty, Unclean, Unwashed, Defiled, Offensive
Then the disciples of John came to him, saying: "why do we and the Pharisees fast, but your disciples do not fast?" -- Matthew 9:14
PEACE and LOVE Maria
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