Wislawa Szymborska - (ur. 2 lipca 1923)
"Życie pisze najbardziej oryginalne, najbardziej komiczne, a jednocześnie najbardziej dramatyczne scenariusze"— Wisława Szymborska
Uwielbiam wiersze Wisławy Szymborskiej. Czy wiesz, że Wisława otrzymała Nagrodę Nobla w dziedzinie Literatury mając 73 lata. (w 1996 roku)
Nie ważne w jakim jesteśmy wieku, życie zawsze przynosi nowe wyzwania.
Możemy zobaczyć i posłuchać Wisławy Szymborkiej w filmie na YouTube w realizacji i produkcji
Agnieszki Zakrzewicz
"Życie pisze najbardziej oryginalne, najbardziej komiczne, a jednocześnie najbardziej dramatyczne scenariusze"— Wisława Szymborska
Uwielbiam wiersze Wisławy Szymborskiej. Czy wiesz, że Wisława otrzymała Nagrodę Nobla w dziedzinie Literatury mając 73 lata. (w 1996 roku)
Nie ważne w jakim jesteśmy wieku, życie zawsze przynosi nowe wyzwania.
Możemy zobaczyć i posłuchać Wisławy Szymborkiej w filmie na YouTube w realizacji i produkcji
Agnieszki Zakrzewicz
Wisława Szymborska - Nic dwa razy
Nic dwa razy się nie zdarza
i nie zdarzy. Z tej przyczyny
zrodziliśmy się bez wprawy
i pomrzemy bez rutyny.
Choćbyśmy uczniami byli
najtępszymi w szkole świata,
nie będziemy repetować
żadnej zimy ani lata.
Żaden dzień się nie powtórzy,
nie ma dwóch podobnych nocy,
dwóch tych samych pocałunków,
dwóch jednakich spojrzeń w oczy.
Wczoraj, kiedy twoje imię
ktoś wymówił przy mnie głośno,
tak mi było, jakby róża
przez otwarte wpadła okno.
Dziś, kiedy jesteśmy razem,
odwróciłam twarz ku ścianie.
Róża? Jak wygląda róża?
Czy to kwiat? A może kamień?
Czemu ty się, zła godzino,
z niepotrzebnym mieszasz lękiem?
Jesteś - a więc musisz minąć.
Miniesz - a więc to jest piękne.
Uśmiechnięci, współobjęci
spróbujemy szukać zgody,
choć różnimy się od siebie
jak dwie krople czystej wody.
Ten i wiele innych wierszy W. Szymborskiej - tutaj
Wislawa Szymborska
For my English speaking friends, I strongly recommend a beautiful site dedicated to Polish Nobel Prize winner poet - Wislawa Szymborska
You can find lots of interesting information about Wislawa, her photos and of course her beautiful poems, just on the Bunny's page:
See what Bunny said about Wislawa:
I had never heard of her or read a single one of her poems until my muse sent me an article about Wislawa Szymborska. I love how she uses simplicity and humor in her work. I became a fan immediately. Reading what I could find about her life was exciting. She is a delightful woman. I really admire her for her talent and life style.
Wislawa Szymborska
For my English speaking friends, I strongly recommend a beautiful site dedicated to Polish Nobel Prize winner poet - Wislawa Szymborska
You can find lots of interesting information about Wislawa, her photos and of course her beautiful poems, just on the Bunny's page:
See what Bunny said about Wislawa:
I had never heard of her or read a single one of her poems until my muse sent me an article about Wislawa Szymborska. I love how she uses simplicity and humor in her work. I became a fan immediately. Reading what I could find about her life was exciting. She is a delightful woman. I really admire her for her talent and life style.
20 komentarzy:
(No matter how we age, life always brings new challenges.)
-very true.
And life always guide us towards a path that is full of flowers if we listen our inner-voice.
she is poetry in motion
a beauty full woman
where the winters are warm
and the summers are cold
where the girls are sexy
and the older girls too
thats where I want to be
I have never heard of her either, I will go to that website and read more. That is what I like about the internet, I can learn things that I would never have heard of otherwise!
Hi Maria,
Loved her poetry.Hope you are doing well my friend.Thank you for comming by to see me !
HI Maria! I haven't heard of her and appreciate you sharing all of this.
Thank you so much for your well wishes on our new grandbaby, Maria!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
Hello, Maria!
Yes I know the great Polish poet Wislawa Szymborska. It is one of the known poets more of the world. The Polónia is an honor for all. I love Wislawa Szymborska. Have the nice week.
Poem of Szymborska in portuguese
Não há nada duas vezes
duas vezes não acontecem e acontecerão.
Por essa razão os inaptos sem habilidade, e morrem sem uma rotina.
O tempo mesmo se os estudantes foram na escola o mundo não faz não repete nenhum Inverno ou Verão.
Nem um dia não será repetido, nenhuma duas noite semelhante,
os mesmos dois beijos,
dois relances de vistps nos olhos. Ontem, quando alguém proferiu o seu nome comigo, em voz alta, portanto me pareci com aumentar fracassou a janela aberta.
Hoje, quando estamos em conjunto, virou a minha cara à parede. Aumentou?
Parece a aumentar?
Ele é uma flor?
Possivelmente a pedra, 'Por Que você é mau pensamento, mistura com o medo desnecessário?
São - portanto você tem de passar. Mini - portanto é belo. Sorrindo, os olhos tentam encontrar o acordo, embora diferenciemos um de outro como duas baixas de água pura.
Isto e muitas outras linhas de W. Szymborska
David Santos, Portugal
Hi maria,
Never heard of her...Her poet are beautiful! Look at your 80th birthday posts...So Cute! You looks great! Have a wonderful Easter...Thank you for stopping by...Smiles and Hugs Katherinellen
post some pics of Krys in nappies
Happy Easter Maria, and thank you for sharing this poet with us. I will stop by that web site and read about her.
What beauty of poem!!!!!!
My dear friend,
I wish a Happy Easter with much peace, love and blessing!!!!
With love,
This was so interesting Maria. Thank you for posting. I hope you and your family had a beautiful Easter. Thank you for the kind comments you left on my blog.
Christ has risen
and we must too
we have to change
I am glad to tell u Maria
I havent smoked for 8 days now
my tongue is redder
my cheeks too
when u tell a smoker SMOKING CAUSES CANCER
he says OK
I dont want to live till 100 anyway
same with me
until I read about erectile dysfunction and smoking
kisses huggss
and more kisses
I am the graduate
Little Johnny sees his mother walk out of the shower and sees her vagina.
He asks her what it is and she embarrassed replies, "Oh, that's mommy's black sponge."
A few days later, Johnny spills a glass of milk on the floor and says, "Mommy, I need your black sponge to mop up the milk!"
She replies, "I lost it, honey."
A couple of days later, he comes running up to her and says, "Mommy, I found your black sponge!" Mystified, she says, "Where, honey?"
Little Johnny says, "It's over at Mrs. Johnson's house, and Daddy's washing his face in it!"
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