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czwartek, 7 sierpnia 2008

Trzy fazy życia / Three stages of life

Photo: my great-grandsons

Badania przeprowadzone przez PAG-ASA podają, że są trzy fazy w naszyn życiu:

1. Okres dojrzewania - mamy czas i energę, ale nie mamy pieniędzy.
2. Okres pracowania - mamy pieniądze i energię, ale nie mamy czasu.
3. Okres sędziwy - mamy czas i pieniądze, ale nie mamy energii.

Tyle mówią badania- traktowane pół- żartem, pół - serio. Ale dodać należy, że przecież sami jesteśmy gospodarzami własnego życia. Jest taka życiowa mądrosć- "Jak sobie pościelesz, tak się wyśpisz". W każdej fazie życia możemy mieć duży wpływ aby odpowiednio zagospodarować - pieniądze, energię i czas.
Najwiecej czasu ma faza sędziwców, do których też się zaliczam. Pieniądze jak to pieniądze - różnie z tym bywa- nie zawsze mamy na to wpływ, ale o energię to musimy sami zadbać. Wystarczy dłużej pospacerować, trochę poćwiczyć,
aby rozruszać stawy i mięśnie, nie zapominając o ćwiczeniach umysłowych, aby nie zapomnieć w jakiej fazie żyjemy, a współczesny świat daje nam do dyspozycji tyle dobrych rzeczy np. komputer, krzyżówki i inne gry.

Życzę każdemu - dużo czasu dla siebie, dużo pieniędzy i dużo energii w każdej fazie życia!

18 komentarzy:

MARIA pisze...

Translate from Google:

According to PAG-ASA survey.. there are three stages of life....

1. Teens - you have all the time and energy but no money.

2. Workers - you have the money and energy but no time.

3. Oldies - you have all the time and money but no more energy.

But what they say research-treated half-jokingly, half - seriously. But I must add that we are the owners themselves have their own lives. There is a life-wise "How do you go live, this is your choose." In each stage of life we can have a major impact in order to properly exploited - money, energy and time.
Many are in older phase, which is also I am. Money as money - sometimes mixed with that-we have not always affected, but about the energy we need to take care by yourself. Just walk longer, a little practice exercise,
and not forget about lectures mental.

I wish myself and All of you much time, much money and much energy in each stage of life!

Jim pisze...

Happy Birthday Suzy baby

Jim pisze...

oldies ...

Jim pisze...

thats me
sob ... sob ...

Anonimowy pisze...

Cute little guys!

Unknown pisze...

Your great grandsons are so adorable. Maria, do you do all this special effects yourself? They are amazing. I just love that cat. How did you do that? Well, I love your blog, and I told my sister Lynne and Susan about you and they read your blog too. I love it here. Have a wonderful weekend. I am off to visit my mom in Vermont, about four hours away. Blessings, Karen

Suzanne pisze...

HI HONEY!!!! THANKS A MILLION! You're the best Maria and I love you very much. Way to funny and I love the 3 stages of life. How appropriate!

And Jim Baby, thanks. You're a gem.

Stop by the Wild Onion or my birthday blog and let your hair down.


bindhiya pisze...

Dear Maria,
Hope you having a great day..

great post...
♥ & ((hugs))

inspirações da Jô pisze...

Thank you! And I desire to you all the happiness and love of the world to enjoy the time, the money and the energy!!!!!
God bless you, pretty!!!!!!!!!
Kisses and more kisses.

inspirações da Jô pisze...

Ah! Its grandsons are pretty excessively!!!!!!!!Pretty family!!Congratulations!!!!!!

Jorgelina pisze...

Happy birthday to your friend! Good weekend

QUEEN-ELA pisze...

Ale masz Babciu zwolenników, ale zgadzam sie z Toba, pozdrawiam i całuje Ela

Bluebirdy pisze...

Hello Maria! That angel tomato is amazing! I enjoy the pictures on your blog even if I can't read the Polish. You have such a big heart! My daughter said you commented on her blog and told me she thinks you are such a kind lady. I think so too. You are a good example, too. I can learn a lot from you! Tell me what you think of my new blog backgrounds at http://kindaretro.blogspot.com (it looks almost just like me!) and http://retro-ofg.blogspot.com . Isn't it amazing? I hope Krytyna will translate this for you, because I first wanted a 3 column template like yours, but I could not figure out how to change things in it and make it work from the dashboard, and Krystyna couldn't really explain it to me either. How do you put things in 3 columns when the dashboard only has 2 columns? Krsytyna is amazing that she can take care of these boys when she has such health problems. Bless you Maria!

Jim pisze...

my daughter is home for 10 days
She is cute like those 2 nuts

see here http://windowgarden-jim.blogspot.com/

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey pisze...

Love that post Maria . It is so true ! You have a blessed day dear Maria .

Theresa @ Take A Sentimental Journey pisze...

Hi Maria , I tried to post on the "Fruitcake Lady" but it wouldn't work . the fruitcake lady video was hilarious ! I laughed til I cried ! FUNNY !

Keshi pisze...

ur great-grand sons r so adorable!!


Rhondi pisze...

Hi MAria
I am so glad to meet you. Thanks for leaving a comment. Your grandsons are very cute.

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