Teraz, dalszy ciąg Pogaduszek tutaj:

piątek, 30 października 2009

Pamiętajmy o tych co odeszli../ Memory of those who have gone

Pamiętajmy o tych co odeszli!

Zbliża się Święto Zmarłych. Już od kilu dni trwa wielki ruch na cmentarzach- czyszczenie grobów, nowe kwiaty, znicze. Za parę dni będzie tłok w różnych środkach lokomocji, na drogach i na cmentarzach.
To piękny zwyczaj, ale czy nie przesadzamy. Ile pieniędzy kosztuje przystrojenie grobów. Zrobiliśmy z tego wielki szoł, zarabiają na tym kwiaciarnie i wszyscy handlujący zniczami i innymi dekoracjami. Wieczorem będzie się unosił smog jak z huty, za co zawsze mamy pretensje do tego, że zatruwają środowisko.
Czy nie lepiej byłoby, gdyby ten olbrzymi nadmiar wykorzystać na inny cel?
Tyle ludzi cierpi na niedostatek- na głód, wiele osób nie ma się w co ubrać a zima nadchodzi.
Jestem bardzo za tym, żeby dbać o cmentarze, pamiętać o zmarłych cały rok, nie tylko od święta, ale z umiarem, bez popisywania się.
Uszanujmy miejsce spoczynku naszych bliskich osób z umiarem i powagą.

W klimat listopadowej zadumy doskonale wprowadza poezja w wykonaniu Elżbiety Jabłonki, byłej aktorki Teatru im. Adama Mickiewicza w Częstochowie.
Video: Listopadowa zaduma..

czwartek, 22 października 2009

Young at heart / młodzi duchem

My friend from Australia, ERIC SHACKLE (http://lifebeginsat80.blogspot.com/)
send me in comment section for my 80th Birthday wonderful article about
Life Begins at 80th.
I'd like to share it with everybody.

By Frank C. Laubach

I have good news for you. The first 80 years are the hardest. The second 80 are a succession of birthday parties. Once you reach 80, everyone wants to carry your baggage and help you up the steps. If you forget your name or anybody else's name, or an appointment, or your own telephone number, or promise to be three places at the same time, or can't remember how many grandchildren you have, you need only explain that you are 80.

Being 80 is a lot better than being 70. At 70 people are mad at you for everything. At 80 you have a perfect excuse no matter what you do. If you act foolishly, it's your second childhood. Everybody is looking for symptoms of softening of the brain.

Being 70 is no fun at all. At that age they expect you to retire to a house in Florida and complain about your arthritis (they used to call it lumbago) and you ask everybody to stop mumbling because you can't understand them. (Actually your hearing is about 50 percent gone.)

If you survive until you are 80, everybody is surprised that you are still alive. They treat you with respect just for having lived so long. Actually they seem surprised that you can walk and talk sensibly.

So please, folks, try to make it to 80. It's the best time of life. People forgive you for anything. If you ask me, life begins at 80.

(Reprinted by permission of the Laubach Family Association )

You see - getting older is not a problem. It is an adventure.
This week I found in the Internet information about the most powerful people over age 80.
I am Octogenarian also. They forgot about me? (just kidding)
The 80 most powerful people over age 80

I wonder which of my blogger's friend is Oktogenarian also?
It is the best time of life!
People forgive you for anything.

poniedziałek, 19 października 2009

I returned to my beloved Poland/Powróciłam do mojej kochanej Polski

Welcome to ALL my dear online friends!
Today I returned from my trip in Canada.
I was and I am soooo happy!

I'd like to tell you my BIG THANKS for being with me on my birthday.
You All made me very happy! Life is beautiful, because of YOU!
After little bit relax I'll be here again.

3 days I was in USA

Canada - Shopping with my granddaughter

Sorry, now I'm going to sleep. (it is Must) See you soon...

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