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sobota, 6 lutego 2010

Oddychanie brzuszne/belly breathing

Każdy rodzaj choroby i stanu zdrowia może być wspomagany przez naukę oddychania. Większość z nas oddycha płytko, co powoduje, że mamy mało tlenu i zbyt dużo CO2. Praktykowanie głębokich brzusznych oddechów nie tylko przynosi więcej tlenu do czyszczenia naszego organizmu, ale rówmież uwalnia CO2. Organizm jest dotleniony, uspokojony, zachodzą prawidłowe reakcje chemiczne. To jest ważny etap w celu przywrócenia zdrowia.

Aby ponownie nauczyć się prawidłowe oddychać brzuchem, dobrze jest obserwować oddychanie dziecka ...
Aby to zrobić samodzielnie, połóż się na plecach i połóż rękę na brzuchu. Oddychaj.... Poczujesz jak brzuch unosi się i opada. Aby łatwo nauczyć się prawidłowo oddychać, połóż rękę na brzuchu i krzycz: "Hej"lub zdecydowanie powiedz: "shhhh". Poczujesz jak powietrze jest wypychane z brzucha i szybko powraca do brzucha.
Zrób kilka takich oddechów. Poczujesz się wspaniale!

Link o oddychaniu brzusznym:

Each type of disease and health can be helped by learning to breathe. Most of us breathe shallowly, which means that we have a little oxygen and too much CO2. Practicing deep belly breathing not only brings more oxygen to clean our body, but also release of CO2. The organism is full of oxygen, appeased, there are the correct chemical reactions. This is an important step to restore health.
To re-learn how to do belly breaths properly, it is good to watch a baby breathing ...To do it yourself, lie on your back and put your hand on your belly. Breathe ....
You will feel like belly rises and falls.
That it is easy to learn to breathe properly, put your hand on your belly and shout: "Hey" or strongly say, "shhhh."
You will feel like air is pushed out from your belly and rush back in to your belly.
Take a few deep such breaths.
You will feel great.
photo:my great-grandson Kyle.

8 komentarzy:

tqmcintl pisze...

Rahul Gandhi?

son of Sonia and Rajiv Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi son of Indira Gandhi

tqmcintl pisze...

belly breathing???
no lungs?

Anonimowy pisze...

Hi Maria what a darling baby. You are so right about the breathing. When I do those exercises I make a lot of noise to prove to myself I am doing it. I need to do more than I do. Snow everywhere I live.

inspirações da Jô pisze...

Dear Maria,
Her great-grandson is a beautiful angel!!!! That God bless you and her dear family!!! Kisses and a great Sunday!!!!

Anonimowy pisze...

Good evening Maria, It is true. Most of us are shallow breathers and we need to learn to do deep breathing. It is very relaxing. Thank you for this very important reminder. I hope you are well. Charli and I are sending you hugs.

Nola pisze...

Your great grandson is a handsome little man! What a great idea, something as simple as stopping and taking time to breath deeply! Maybe the world would be a better place if we did this more often.

inspirações da Jô pisze...

Dear Maria,
Happy Valentine´s Day!!!!!!!!!!
God bless you always!!!!!!!!!I love you my sweet friend!!!!!!!!!!
Big kisses and hugs!!!!!!!!!!


Hi Maria.

Greetings from Sydney, Australia.

You many like to read a story about the world's oldest dogs, one of which lives in Poland.

It's posted in my blog, LifeBeginsAt80: http://lifebeginsat80.blogspot.com/

Best wishes, Eric

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